October 22, 2012

The Book Babe's Blog Tours Launch!

Hey guys! I just set up my own blog tour site, and I've got an ARC tour in the works (might not work out, hoping it does), but I need you guys help! Do you know a YA author that you think could benefit from this? Pass it on. Are you a YA blogger who really wants to be on a book tour? Well, check out my new site, and totally fill out my tour hosts form! :D :D :D

(Still working on an acceptable button.)


  1. That's a really cool idea Megan! Good luck!

    1. Thank you, thank you, thank you! *crosses fingers*

  2. I just wrote a blog post about this! I was sure to mention your blog. I just took over my cousins' tour site, actually! They were going to run Embark on an Arc Tour and they set it all up over the summer, but then they went to college and got really busy, so they left it to me. I'm not going to be taking over completely, I don't think, but it will be fun running it for a few months! Good luck with your site!

    My post: http://yabetweenthelines.blogspot.com/2012/10/book-tours.html

    1. Yay! I read it! Thank you! :D

      That is so cool! I signed up to be a tour host, btw. I hope you have terrific luck, cause just like me, you're gonna need it! :F <--Look at my Halloween fangy face!

    2. Your welcome! I'm sure I'll love being on your tours. :F
