October 14, 2012

2012 Blogger Awards!

Live to read

Hi guys! I'm gonna participate in the 2012 Blogger Awards, so I can see how much ya'll love me! (I'm kidding. Maybe.) Anyways, back on the subject. I entered for two categories: Best New Blog and Most Entertaining reviews (You can vote for me right now for Best New Blog!). And to be honest, I don't expect to win either, but I'll have some fun with this. I'm determined that I will. Anywho, if you wanna hop on by and vote for me, you can here. :)
Best New Blog

Love Ya'll! ;D


  1. Nice blog...NEW FOLLOWER.

    Good luck in the contest.

    Silver's Reviews

  2. Good luck! I voted for you~and I'm sure I lost the best layout contest, too. It's okay though; it's really fun to promote your blog and find new networking tactics!

    1. Thank you! I would've voted for you too, had I know you were doing it! It's actually a lot more fun than I expected. :D
