January 7, 2014

Top Ten Resolutions for 2014

This week's topic is kind of... I don't know. I'm not exactly sure what resolutions I'd like to have, so this is gonna be a strange one.

1. Get fit. This is one of the biggest ones that I want to work on this year - I work out, and it's been doing me some good. But I'd also like to start eating healthy and such - we'll see if that works out. Weight is not an issue - health is.

2. Read all of my review books. I have several review books that have been gathering dust, and I'd really like to get them all caught up. Makes me feel bad that I haven't reviewed them yet.

3. Keep up with my blog. I have a hard time keeping up with my blogging lately - it's just pretty stressful. I've got a job, and I work several days a week. I just don't really have a lot of time no more.

4. Work hard. I mean, this isn't truly a resolution - I work hard already. But I'd like to save all that I earn to buy a building. I'd really like to own a bookstore. It'll happen, don't y'all worry.

5. Buy less books. Honestly, I rarely go a whole month without getting a new book, but most of the time it's quite a bit more than one book. This last month, I got upwards of thirty books. It needs to stop.

6. Quit drinking Dr. Pepper. It's bad for me. There's something like 22 packs of sugar - per 20 oz. So I'd like to switch to water; and I've already started slowly doing it.

7. Have more blog giveaways. I'm hoping to do more of this just because it's a nice thing to do. Everyone loves a chance at reading new books, right?

Unfortunately, I just can't think of any more! O.o


  1. Hmm. I'll have to try a small goal like that, see if I can keep to it! I'm not sure about it, LOL. I love caffeine, but it's really very bad for you. Thanks, Sunny! (Or Summer! ;))

  2. Yep, I hope so! LOL, I thought of you while writing this post, Dr. Pepper Diva! ;) Thanks for the luck, girly!

  3. So in aww of your blog!!! Very impressive but the one bad thing about it is im not reading anything cause I am totally addicted to your site. And a great name from a beautifully written book is Maxim De Winter "Rebecca"
