January 4, 2014

Time Management for Blogging + Reading

If you couldn't tell from the title of this post, I'm currently struggling with some time management issues. I don't exactly have time to sit down and blog as much or read as much or even to study as much as I need to! I'm currently studying for my GED, while also working about five days a week (at two different jobs, one of which is for my parents. My sister and I help out when they need help in the store, and the other for a fast food place.) While also trying to blog, read, and just to do normal teenage stuff, like veg out on the couch and watch movies.

So I need you guys' advice. I need help. Can you guys suggest any better ways to manage my time? I don't really have the time to answer comments lately, and that's just killing me. Maybe I should start having a day a week where I do each thing? Maybe Monday could be comments day, and Tuesday could be Google + sharing, with Wednesday being Pinterest sharing? I don't have a clue what I should be doing.

Just... if you have any advice about managing time, I'd love to hear it, y'all.


  1. Time management can be a pain, especially if you're in college (that surely eats a lot of my time). Having an hour everyday reserved for comments and posting on a schedule (for example Monday, Wednesday, and Friday) can be a good way to manage things effectively as a book blogger :)

    Mada @ All Fantasy Worlds

  2. Oh honey, nobody really knows how to manage time... I would really like to offer help, but if you remember it got so bad with me that I had to take a month off blogging, so I've got no words of wisdom to share... :(
    You do 7 posts a week, right? (like, for every weekday a new post) so maybe you should make the blog a 6 a week blog and use that extra blank day instead?...

  3. Oh Honey. I am a procrastinator so I cannot help much but honestly what works best for me is making lists and using a calendar, I may procrastinate but I am obsessed with organization so I usually just make a 'to-do' list before hand of all things I want to accomplish in a day and make sure I have enough room to just laze around as well. Soon enough though that won't for me seeing that my exams are coming up. 2 months of my life down the drain. I can see it... of course being myself I will probably find SOME way to at least read.


  4. I'm currently reading this book. I'm not a person who cries easily, especially not with books. There have been a few where I've cried, maybe one where I was sobbing but I doubt this will be the book to crack me. But I'm only a little 100 pages in. I am really liking it though. Love your honest review!

  5. Hey Megan! Happy New Year! I'm sorry to hear that blogging is becoming hard for you. :( I used to find myself not having the time to blog either, but I solved it by having a calendar when I have specific stuff for the blog that needs to go out on certain days. I'm a huge calendar follower so when I see something that needs to be done by a certain time, I will sit myself down and do it. This might not be the right solution for you though but definitely find out how you usually work best and then tailor it to your blogging. Scheduling posts may help too!

    Hope to see you around soon xx

  6. I know exactly how you feel like Meg.This year,I have my O'levels,which pretty much decides my life hereafter.I have to work hard for that.
    I am finding it hard to manage everything too.I don't think I can give you any advice though,as I myself am still trying to find a solution.Maybe if you find one,let me know:)

  7. Wish I could help but I'm kind of sucking at blogging this past month anyway. However if you do have the motivation, using a Calendar might help you plan. Can you carve out a few hours on a Saturday or Sunday to sit down and answer all comments from the past week and plan new posts?

  8. Sorry I'm a little late with the comment back! Books rarely ever make me cry either - there might just be something wrong with me. I'm glad that you're liking it, Steph! Thanks, sweetie! :D

  9. If you learn the secret of time management, you can do webinars and sell tickets lol. I struggle with it as well. I try to do a lot of blogging in chunks of time and schedule some posts in advance so that I can then spend other chunks of time reading. It is kind of a trade off with free time.

  10. Thanks, you too, girly! I need to do that - but see, I've never been a great big follower of calendars. Something about it.. just doesn't work for me. I think it's my complete disregard of caring what day it is.

    I definitely schedule posts! It's one of my favorite features - I do it ALL the time. <3 I'm BAACCK! :D

  11. WE ARE OF THE SAME BRETHREN. PROCRASTINATORS, STAY AT HOME INSTEAD OF UNITING, BECAUSE WE ALL KNOW THAT WILL NEVER HAPPEN. (LOL, sorry I kind of had to.) I do lists sometimes, but crossing things off just makes the list look messy - and I spend more time recreating and making the list beautiful then I should.(Yes, this is what lists do to me!)

    I hope you find a way to read! Thanks, Razzy! Good luck with your exams!

  12. Hmm. I may have to try that - the problem with me would be that I wouldn't keep to the schedule. As Razzy said above, procrastinator. But it's definitely a good idea, and I think I'll try it! Thanks, Madalina! :)

  13. LOL, I probably could. I should actually try to read some of those "time management" posts, LOL. I guess it's just one of those things, right? You can't have everything. (Though I very much wish I could.)

  14. You haven't sucked at blogging! Don't put yourself down. I just can't make a calendar work. :/ I could probably do the weekly thing, but I can't do it on Saturday or Sunday. :/

  15. That sounds.... terrifying. :/ I don't really like the idea of a life being decided by standardized tests, you know? But I'm glad that you know how I feel! Also, good luck on those O'levels!

    Everyone seems to be saying calendars! It won't work for me, but maybe for you?

  16. Well, I'm taking a page from your book - I'm actually going to take a break this coming February. Because that'll give me time to build up posts - and I just won't be worrying about it or anything.

    And yes, I do. But I like having every day a post - that's where I get my dilemma. :/

  17. Ohh, I'll miss your blog on February then!! But at least we'll always have Twitter! LOL
    I love having a post a day, too, but I actually only do 6 posts a week now. It started because of Saturday, which is our Sabbath, our holy day on which we're not supposed to "work" or anything and just rest and recharge, so I decide to take the day off then. A few times I changed the "day off" to another day if something was scheduled or if the rest of the week got messed up so I had to compensate... So it ended up just being "a day off" lol

  18. I know right? It feels and sounds so scary.Grades are really important here in my country. I hate it, but that's how it's done here.
    Thanks Meg!
    Well, I don't think that it will work for me either.I am not at all an organized person.If I start doing something like that, I'll end up abandoning it in a few days.
    Maybe you should take a little break until you get used to things.

  19. Definitely! I'm sorry, but hey. Good grades aren't a bad thing, are they? You're welcome!

    LOL, I'm just like you, then. What I've done is started a list of the books I'm going to read, and in what order. Maybe that will help. And LOL, I have one planned for February. :)

  20. Well, thanks! Yes! We'll probably still have twitter, I mean I hope we will!
    Hmm. I understand that - but I'm not sure I'm ready to do it. I'm glad that you have a day off, though! It sounds like a good way to be. :)

  21. Is there a chance we won't have twitter? *panicking* I don't want not to talk to you for a month!!!#@#^#&WE@QYTWE*QE
    I think as long as you enjoy the blog, do whatever feels right. I sometimes need a day to unwind and not feel guilty about it, you know? lol

  22. Maybe? My kindle isn't working right now, and I don't know if I'll have time to get on the computer. Maybe I'll have the kindle fixed or have a new one by then, though. :/ I DON'T WANT TO NOT TALK TO YOU EITHER!!
    Hahah, I know exactly what you mean. :) LOL. I think so too, about the whatever feels right thing. :)
