September 9, 2013

The Truth About You and Me by Amanda Grace

The Truth About You and Me
The Truth About You and Me by Amanda Grace
Series: N/A
Source: Netgalley
Publisher: Flux Books
Publication Date: September 8, 2013
Smart girls aren't supposed to do stupid things.

Madelyn Hawkins is super smart. At sixteen, she's so gifted that she can attend college through a special program at her high school. On her first day, she meets Bennet. He's cute, funny, and kind. He understands Madelyn and what she's endured - and missed out on - in order to excel academically and please her parents. Now, for the first time in her life, she's falling in love.

There's only one problem. Bennet is Madelyn's college professor, and he thinks she's eighteen - because she hasn't told him the truth.

The story of their forbidden romance is told in letters that Madelyn writes to Bennet - both a heart-searing ode to their ill-fated love and an apology.
The Truth About You and Me is a really complex story. It isn't about how an underage girl tempted a teacher, or how a teacher took advantage of a young's much more than that. First, Bennett doesn't know that she's underage. He thinks that she's college age, which helps him to feel less guilty. And second, Madelyn isn't exactly knowingly getting him in trouble. The age of consent in her state is 16.

That's what makes this so complicated-- I'm not sure where the lines are. In general, she's too young for him. But it's not like they set out to do wrong. It's so, so complicated to explain and even think about. It's not a love story, it's more of a story of self-discovery and just happens to have a bit of romance in it.

Madelyn was a very good storyteller-- I loved the letters, they were so lyrical and pretty. Through her eyes we get to see everything, and I really liked it. She could taking something so simple-- but when she says it; it becomes true and beautiful and doesn't remain becomes complicated, like her. I actually think that if we met, we'd be really good friends.

I mean, I don't approve of what she did, but I think that I would like her. I really have nothing to say about Bennett. He didn't make a huge impression on me-- and I kind of think that it's because he's not really a big part of the story. He's kind of background; I think that the story is more about Madelyn telling their story.

And their story is bittersweet. It's sweet for a long time, but it just keeps building and building and you know how it's going to end...but you don't, not really. I think that the ending actually worked out really well-- it surprised me. All in all, The Truth About You and Me pushed at a lot of's complex, and I really think it's worth a read.


  1. This book sounds like a very interesting read. I don't know if it would be for me, but I can understand your feelings on it. Great review Megan!

    Janina @ Synchronized Reading

  2. It was pretty interesting, but I understand how you feel. It's completely hard to make decisions about books like this one. LOL. Thanks, Janina!

  3. Dang girl. Another 3 star? We need to get you a booming 5 star book!!! Sorry this one wasn't the best for you. I totally understand what you mean though. :D

    <333 Inks

  4. Ikr? I'm so tired of mediocre books. :/ I want a five star! Pick me! LOL. Thanks for understanding. ;) <333

  5. Okay girl, you need to drop all these mediocres and pick up something you're DYING to read. I order you. I've been doing that and it's done wonders form me. GO GO GO!!!

  6. Leigh (Little Book Star)September 10, 2013 at 8:25 PM

    Wow this is so interesting! Although the book has its flaws, I'm still curious and interested because the story doesn't sound like my usual read. I should dive into it soon. I really like how it's a complex story; I really like stories that are sad yet there is a lesson learned.

  7. I look for books that aren't my usual read too. (: You really should, because all though it had it's flaws it was still a fairly good read! (:

  8. That was my thing too-- I always hope for a happy ending. And though it was a good ending, I feel like maybe it could have been happier. Maybe. It was definitely very unique! Thanks, Alise!

  9. It was so hard reading Maddie's story as she made the lines so blurry as she worked to process what happened for herself.

  10. I definitely agree. (:
