May 2, 2012

Fall From Grace by Charles Benoit

Grace always has a plan. There’s her plan to get famous, her plan to get rich, and—above all—her plan to have fun. 

Sawyer has plenty of plans too. Plans made for him by his mother, his father, his girlfriend. Maybe they aren’t his plans, but they are plans.

When Sawyer meets Grace, he wonders if he should come up with a few plans himself. Plans about what he actually wants to be, plans to speak his own mind for a change, plans to maybe help Grace with a little art theft. 

Wait a minute—plans to what?

My Thoughts/Review:

This book is one wild, emotional ride. I loved Sawyer and Grace, and wish that it would've turned out a bit better for them, in the end. Sawyer just seemed so steady, and easy to like, yet he obviously want's to be just a little more wild than he is. And Grace was just so jumpy, and ready to take things to the extremes, with little thought about the consequences or anything else. Grace wanted to be famous, and the best way she could think of was stealing art. Sawyer just wants to get through high school. For good reasons. Not that he wants to go to college, but because he wants to start a new chapter in his life. The plot moved very quickly, and definitely kept me interested, because you know I love to read about running from the law. So, all in all, I'd say I definitely recommend it.

This book will be released May 8, 2012.

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