November 8, 2012

RSS Feed!

Hey guys...guess what?? I now have RSS Feed! So, if you prefer RSS Feed, I have it. :D

(Plus, apparently a lot of you knew that already. I have like 95 Google reader subscribers! Only 48 Email subscribers, though. Hmm.)

Y'all have a great week, and don't forget that I love you!


  1. So, I have to ask because I'm curious. How can one check how many RSS followers they have?

    1. When you're in 'Google Reader' you can check how many google reader subscribers you have. Most people read through google reader, so it's as a good a number as any. You open your feed in it (Just Another Rabid Reader?) and the click 'Feed Settings', then click 'View details and statistics'. It will show you how many RSS Feed readers you have through Google Reader. :)

      Did I help? :)

  2. I prefer getting the emails, but hopefully other people will like it :).

    1. Aww, I love that you prefer getting emails! That's cool! :D
