January 11, 2013

Dented Cans by Heather Walsh

Dented Cans
Title: Dented Cans
Author: Heather Walsh
Series: N/A
Source: Author for Review
Publisher: Self-Published
Publication Date: November 2, 2012
A family secret is revealed during an ill-fated—yet hilarious—trip to Disney World.

Sixteen-year-old Hannah Sampson knows her family is not what you would call normal. Her father compulsively buys dented cans and has a particular fondness for cans without labels, which are extremely discounted because their contents are a mystery. Her mother takes countless pictures of her family and then glues them down into the pages of her scrapbooks, but does not allow anyone to look at them. Ryan, Hannah’s mischievous fourteen-year-old brother, is headed straight for the remedial track at the local community college, if he’s lucky. Ben, her eight-year-old brother, is a walking sound effects machine, who prefers to communicate with noises rather than words. While Hannah is focused on escaping her working-class Connecticut suburb, she also finds herself being tugged back home as she worries about her brother Ben.

Hannah’s parents inflict one last family vacation on the Sampson children, a trip that goes comically wrong almost from the get-go. Hannah is forced to confront her family’s past in Disney World, of all places, when an emotional argument prompts her parents to disclose a secret they have been keeping from the children for sixteen years. Ultimately, she must decide whether to leave her hometown and not look back, or to focus on helping her family.
I've got to say before I write this review that I didn't really like this book. It just wasn't for me.

My biggest overall problem with Dented Cans was that I just couldn't identify with the main character, Hannah. She worries about everything. She worries about college, she worries about the SAT's, she worries about her little brothers...she just worries TOO much.

She also really wants to get away from her hometown. She wants to leave so much, so quickly. She's SIXTEEN years old, and she's planning about which college she's going to. I simply don't understand her mindset at all. I can't imagine leaving my hometown-- in some weird way, this is where I belong. My heart is just rooted here, way out in the boondocks. So I don't get why she wants to leave so badly, because I've never been a city kind of girl.

Another issue that I had was the quirks. They're all that the book is about. About how weird and quirky Hannah's family is...but I don't get why. It didn't add to the story-- it just confused me. It appears to be such a big deal, but I don't understand. 

Hannah doesn't appear to have any friends, and her interactions with her family are awful. I would have liked to have seen more character development in her family-- and more interaction. It was to the point that simply nothing any of those people could have done would have surprised me-- and I didn't like that. I just didn't know the characters well enough to predict their actions.

For instance, a huge piece of information was revealed near the end-- I assume that it's what the book was building up to. But it all just fell flat, because I honestly didn't care about the characters that much. And why all of the build-up? In the grand scheme of things, all that build up got us nowhere.

All in all, Dented Cans really wasn't for me-- but it might be for you!
Life handed it what it handed you, and then you were in control from there. ~ Pg. 142


  1. Megan,
    I want to thank you for your honest review of my novel. I thought your review was fair--many aspects didn't appeal to you, and you explained clearly why this was the case. We all have different tastes, right? Again, thank you for taking the time to read and review it. I appreciate it.

    1. You're welcome. Thank you for reading my review! I tried my absolute best to be fair, so I'm glad that I succeeded. Yes, of course! Everyone has different tastes. It's what makes us unique in this world. Thank you for providing me with the opportunity! (:

  2. Oh bummer! Sounds like it wouldn't be my kind of book either... I think I understand Hannah's planning about college and stuff - I have always been a planner and when I was EIGHT YEARS OLD I started thinking about college... SO WEIRD, huh? I didn't end up doing anything like I thought I was going to, but the fact of the matter is that I was definitely thinking about it. And I've always been a city girl... Hey! We finally found that part of us that isn't a twin! haha ;)

    In any case, beautiful review, dear! Very generous, since you didn't like it. :)

    Sierra @ Yearning to Read

    1. You never know! It might be a book that you love! LOL. I just don't, because I've always been more of a fly by the seat of my pants kind of girl. It's just you! Hmm. Well, you were thinking about it, so that totally makes you different than me! LOL! We have an un-twin part-- how cool is that?

      Thanks, Sierra! I don't know about generous, but I tried my best to be fair. (:

  3. I'm sorry this disappointed you darling Megs. I actually got this on for review a well. I mean how could I say no to a book about A sixteen-year- old girl man we d Hannah? ;) Honestly I hope to say I like th is more than you. hah, by it was nice to read your reasons for dislike and all a that! Great review! *hugs*

    xoxo, Inks

    1. sorry for all the typos! Hah. on my kindle. I blame small buttons. ;)

    2. LOL! I was on my friends Nook the other day. Here's me. O_O "My fingers are bigger than the buttons!" LOL.

      Thank you for understanding, Inks. Awesome! Thought compares? LOL. I know! It's very hard to say no to review requests...I hope that you do too! Thanks! *hugs back*

  4. Sorry to hear you didn't like this one. I was reading the blurb and thought "Oh this sounds pretty cool," and by the end I was like "Lol wut?" Just the blurb was information overload with the family quirks. Sounds like the book was kind of the same?

    1. I know-- I wish that I could have liked it, but it just really wasn't for me! LOL. It is a bit of an info dump with quirks, and the book was similar (overload with quirkiness), but I wouldn't discourage you from reading it! (:

  5. It's too bad the book was less than great because the description sounded quirky and fun! I am a new follower! :)

    1. The description does make it sound quirky and fun-- I agree! Thanks, girly! (:

  6. Great review, Megan! The book sounded really interesting, but it did seem like tons of extra quirks for one family. Quirky is great, but it can't be quirk/weird overload. It's disappointing that you didn't like it! But I loved your review, it was really well spoken :)

    1. Thank you! I thought that the book sounded really interesting to, but it just wasn't for me. I love quirks! My family is really "quirky", but I thought that there was a bit of an overload. I know! I wish that I could have! Thank you so much! (:
